It is a story of one of mortals
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Colloquium Comp & Info Science (CISC.896.01) Colloquium Comp & Info Science (CISC.896.01)
It’s a note for the non-academic thoughts in the process for chasing my PhD far from my home…
Personal thoughts of the academic Personal thoughts of the academic
作为一个工作过的老油条,我认为参照别人的轮子来创造自己的轮子通常比空手造轮子会顺利很多。因此,在坚定进入学术生涯的目标后,我开始寻找一些前人的经验来提升自己。当然,在向别人学习的过程中,我也会加入自己的思考。事实上,在Prof. Ren的实
Memory in HK & CUHK Memory in HK & CUHK
08.2021-08.2022于香港中文大学就读的一年多时间里,本人在实验室肝代码之余(感谢师兄师姐带菜鸡本鸡入门medical robotics)到处瞎走。在一边发福一边掉发一边疯狂肝ddl时,我认识了很多好朋友(小杰钊哥家正sifan岚
Curriculum Vitae Curriculum Vitae
BioHaving completed my undergraduate studies at SHU, I commenced my career as an Embedded Software Engineer at JABIL, wh
Hello world Hello world
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